About me

About Myself

“My name is Amogh Jonnalagadda. I’m an 10 year old boy. I live in Malaysia with my parents,
sister. I love my family very much. My birthday is on 26th December.
I study in Class 4 at Alnoor International school.
I have a younger sister who is 5 years younger than me. We study in different school but in different classes.
Every year I go for a vacation with my family during a celebration holidays. My hobbies are coding in python,
Listening stories.I like to play with my sister in the rooms sometimes, and play chess.
I love going to school every day and respect all my teachers.
I’m always punctual to school and regular in my studies. I love to play with my friends during break time.
My best friend’s name is Mannosh and we play catch every day after school.
I participate in all extracurricular activities and sports events at my school and try my best to do well.
My school has a huge playground where I play several games with my friends.
My school offers a healthy and peaceful environment to all its students.”

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